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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What SHOULD a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, a prescription med, a college education cost? As much as the traffic will bear?

What SHOULD a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, a prescription med, a college education cost? As much as the traffic will bear?

That is what capitalists strive to get isn't it?

Charge whatever people are willing to pay. Get your margins as high as you can and make as much money off them as you can. The goal of any good American?

Posted - November 30, 2019


  • 46117
    I am a progressive.  This is how a progressive would answer that.

    1. Milk?  Milk is a product that is a by-gone ingredient. Sure, we can have dairy.  But?  We do NOT have to advertise that DAIRY is essential for strong teeth and BONES.  That is a LIE and fake news.
    The sooner we get milk out of the grocery carts and down baby's gullets, the sooner we will have a LOT less disease on this planet. Milk causes MUCOUS.  It does little else.  It has casein which is meant to be digested by a baby cow with four stomachs, not by a baby human.  SO, let's end milk and cow production and land meant for FRUITS AND VEGETABLES and health.  NUTS, CEREAL GRAINS and produce will feed the entire USA using one STATE for godsake.  WE DO NOT NEED vast quantities of milk.  I personally don't care if it goes up 20 dollars a gallon.

    2.  Prescription MEDS?  They should be FREE.  I won't get into that argument on here.

    3.  College?  Free as well.  Does this sound insane?  Tell the many other countries that employ this idea that one.  
      November 30, 2019 9:47 AM MST