Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The only way I could succeed as a salesperson would be if people came to me and asked if they could buy what I was selling. YOU?
I worked electronic retail sales for over a decade. I think I was successful, because I listened to what people thought they wanted - and sold them what they needed.
You were clearly VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE so you could conform your "sales pitch" to something that was very helpful and valuable to them. And they came in to see you. Could you do "cold call" sales Walt? Knocking on doors like the old encyclopedia sales folks or making calls and try to engage folks before they hung up on you? Now I can see myself in the housewares section of a store I love to cook and know a little bit about how things work. I could recommend cookware that works for me. But I'd have to either use it myself or would want to use it. Could you sell anything you had no faith in? Thank you for your reply! :)
No, I couldn't do "cold calls" or door-to-door sales. If people come looking for a product, at a place of business ... that's one thing. But to go to someone's home, where they are most likely trying to rest after a long day working - no. I think that's rude.
Main thing is to offer assistance. Some people want it others do not.
I try to make sure to great and offer help. And then go as the customer needs. As a customer I do not like high pressure sales people and will leave because of it. So that is not a technique allowed in my store.
I do not like to be badgered bullied and I'd never buy anything from someone who used that tactic so I'd never do it. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Wednesday to thee.