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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Fear of heights. Is there always a cause for it even though you don't remember it or can you be born with it, experience-free?

Fear of heights. Is there always a cause for it even though you don't remember it or can you be born with it, experience-free?

Posted - December 4, 2019


  • 10795
    Not necessarily.  While some people are hardwired to be acrophobic, it can also sten from a traumatic event in one's life (either real or perceived).  Seeing someone else fall, having an intense dream, or being told (teased) about heights can cause acrophobia.  Sometimes acrophobia forms later in life (maybe due to failing eyesight).

    Personally, I'm not fan of heights.  It's not being up in the air that gets me, but rather the space between where I am and the ground below that's terrifying.  I cling to a ladder like ivy to a tree.    I would have not have made a good roofer.
      December 4, 2019 1:58 PM MST

  • 113301
    That's me to a T Shuhak. Years ago when Disneyland first opened there was a "people mover" ride that took you on a ride over Disneyland. In a bucket-like seat for two. I don't know how high off the ground it was but I was on a date and he wanted to take that ride. Fine. Great. Oh boy. So I got in and we took the ride and then we got out on the other side and my legs buckled. He caught me before I hit the ground. I don't do well on high as it were. Then another time during my first marriage we drove from L.A. to Pennsylvania where he was from and on the way back home we took a different route over "The Lakes of the Ozarks". I think it was 1959. I was driving. The road took us over a very long suspension bridge over the lake as I recall. The bridge was VERY NARROW. So narrow that I could see lake on either side and felt as if I were falling down into it. Somehow I got across it but it remains one of the most TERRIFYING things I've ever experienced. I was a mess and I didn't drive again on that trip. It snuck up on us and we had no idea what was ahead. I may not be remembering it accurately. I still remember the terror. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. SIGH.
      December 5, 2019 4:10 AM MST