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Do you think a quantum computer should be able show the winning numbers for the next draw?

In a dimension of time where all events past and future occur in terms of the present tense (quantum superposition of time) those numbers have already been drawn and so a fully functional quantum computer should be able to tell you those numbers.

Posted - December 6, 2019


  • 10026
    Sure!  But, if it did, wouldn't it take away the fun of gambling to see if you win?  I don't think as many people would play because you all would already know the winning number.
    It seems you would simply be throwing your money into wind.  Maybe that is what people who play the lottery of Megabucks already does?
    I think it would defeat the purpose.
    If there were such a chance to stumble on the quantum machine that gave the numbers, I would secretly give them to you, Kittigate.
    I have never played the lottery or gamble.  If you play and I knew, you would WIN!!!!!!!
      December 6, 2019 9:24 AM MST

  • 13395
    I haven't won yet,  a jackpot that is. I had 4 numbers (BC 49) one time and won $50.

    If a quantum computer could be developed that predicts the future I think it would be kept absolutely secret from the general public. Would you buy one for yourself if they were made available and cost was reasonable? I dunno if it would serve a good purpose;  "YIKES! there's me getting run over by a truck soon". Just same as the past you cannot change 'what has already happened' in a future time.
      December 6, 2019 11:13 AM MST