So I conclude men are more needy for domination and attention than women. They feel it is their just due and will not tolerate a lack of it. It is most clearly manifested in the antics of 4D who has taken it to its absurd conclusion.
Is it inborn or taught? Do moms raise their sons telling them they own the world and are the best of the best? What do they tell their daughters? "Don't let your intelligence show. It intimidates a man. Ask for help when you don't need it. It makes them feel important" Yep. I had a mom like that. Play dumb. Dumb down. Or you will never hook a man. Really? I never dumbed down and I never worried because I had more than my share of guys who were interested. I guess some men are attracted to women who don't dumb down for them. Or I was just dam* lucky. We've come a long way baby! Right?