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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » One major President Obama accomplishment that 4D vowed to eliminate is still here. The AHCA. When will 4D sit on it and crush it?

One major President Obama accomplishment that 4D vowed to eliminate is still here. The AHCA. When will 4D sit on it and crush it?

When will his goal of no government-sponsored medical insurance for anyone be met?

That way he will create medical providers with all monies going into his bank account. The workers will all be super rich super 4D adoring worshippers so they will work for free. Anything to please Big Bird....uh, er the big guy.

Poor people are out of luck. They don't count anyway. Medium wealthy are on the edge. If they can afford it they're covered. If not they too are out of luck. Only wealthy folks deserve to be healthy. Oh. You didn't know that did you?

The obesely obscenely wealthy will pay through the nose because he is their guy after all so millions of bucks go out of their accounts yearly and into a 4D. Transfer of wealth is only acceptable if the wealth transfer ends up in a 4D account. Get the picture?

Posted - December 7, 2019


  • 46117
    Why would anyone vote for him if it is this clear?  

    Because ?

    It is not clear at all.  It is hidden and confusing and there is no one TALKING ABOUT THIS on air.
      December 7, 2019 8:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    The 4D absolute  control of all media is in progress. Their lies go unchallenged. The truth is always attacked. The more you know the less you like it. Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Saturday! :). This post was edited by RosieG at December 7, 2019 9:25 AM MST
      December 7, 2019 8:52 AM MST

  • 46117
    I remember learning about propaganda in grade school.  The examples were Russia and China and what they force people to believe in their country.  And the truth was always attacked and the LIE was not only GLORIFIED, but forced down your throat.

    Barr just said that cops should have the right to not protect people that oppose them.  FASCISM.   

    He is a propaganda machine.   
    Barr just spent millions of our money, TAXPAYER money, going down a road he KNEW was a lie.  His appointed lackey tried to find dirt about the Intelligence Agency spying on Trump's campaign. Couldn't do it.  His paid lackey that would make ANYTHING up he could to discredit the enemy (FBI) couldn't find a thing.  BUT?  WE HEAR IT FROM BARR'S LIPS all over the place.  Still trying to put forth this propaganda.  
    RUSSIA IS A GOOD COUNTRY.  PUTIN IS A GOOD MAN (TRUMP PROPAGANDA)   So, Barr, has to obey and lie that it was our Intelligence Committee that is spying on TRUMP?  

    I cannot believe this pig is not in jail.

    Now, he is telling us that he thinks we don't deserve protection if we dare shame or call out the police and their many atrocities.    Besides being one of the UGLIEST MEN ever to appear on camera, he is also the MOST AMBITIOUS and EVIL man next to TRUMP himself.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 7, 2019 9:38 AM MST
      December 7, 2019 9:32 AM MST

  • 10795
    trump has never cared about the poor.  To him they're like ticks on a dog.  Virtually everything he proposes benefits the wealthy in one way or another.
      December 7, 2019 10:08 AM MST