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Because baby blimp still wears diapers and the other male world leaders are wearing big boy pants they laugh at him since he is older?

Posted - December 7, 2019


  • 46117
    No.  They don't laugh at that.  They laugh at his orange makeup that is so thick it stains his shirt collars.  They laugh at that tie dragging all the way to his knees.  They laugh at the incredibly stupid things he utters.  They laugh at his boorishness trying to keep himself front and center and TALKING no matter what when no one cares what he is saying.  NO ONE cares anymore Donald. You are a fool.  Even Princess Anne took a pass at meeting you and your fool of a bimbo wife.  She stood there in front of everyone on the world stage and declined the Queen's offer to come over and meet donald and mel.  

    No thanks, said the Princess from the back of the stage.

    Princess Anne's Apparent Refusal to Greet Donald Trump Has Gone Viral

     The shrug heard around the world. 

    UPDATED, Dec. 4 at 4:45 p.m.: Valentine Low, a royal reporter present for the event, claimed that Princess Anne didn't snub the Trumps, and that she wasn't chastised by the Queen. Low tweeted that after shaking hands with the Trumps, the Queen had turned to Anne to see who was next in line to be greeted. But since there was no one waiting, Princess Anne simply shrugged and said, "It's just me." 

    Princess Anne might be everyone's favorite new royal after a now-viral video showed her seeming to snub Donald Trump.

    Donald and Melania Trump were visiting the U.K. on Tuesday evening, and attended a NATO reception at Buckingham Palace, where they were greeted by the Queen, Prince Charles, and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall — but apparently not Princess Anne, who could be seen standing off to the side while her family shook the Trumps' hands. Queen Elizabeth can be seen signaling for her daughter to join in the greeting — and Princess Anne's response is a laugh and a nonchalant shrug.

    The Queen chastising Princess Anne for not greeting Trump and Anne not giving a single $hit is the mood we all need to take into today
    40.2K people are talking about this

    That shrug (and the expression on her face) quickly went viral, and by Wednesday morning, Princess Anne was trending on Twitter, and has essentially been crowned the new favorite royal.


    Shoutout to Princess Anne for flat out refusing to meet Trump haha

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    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 8, 2019 2:06 AM MST
      December 7, 2019 11:32 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Sunday.
      December 8, 2019 2:06 AM MST

  • 10795
    Yes.  They also laugh at him because he's a pompous jacka**.  (which is something nearly half of americans blind themselves to)
      December 7, 2019 11:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    I'm not so sure about that m'dear. I think the boorish vulgar unmannerly oaf is their cuppa tea. The conceited braggart whose entire world revolves around himself and believes it is the center of their world too ....and I think he is correct. They attend his boring rallies where he always uses the same exact script and they don't care. It's all always about himself filled with lies and they get off on it. Every time. So blind dumb deaf they may well be but his jacka**ness seeps out of every pore and they cannot not know that. Opinion only. I do not know. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      December 7, 2019 11:42 AM MST

  • 11399
    Well I like to think that they laugh at him because they read  the jokes I write about him. Cheers and happy weekend!
      December 7, 2019 11:48 AM MST

  • 113301
    That could well be m'dear. You do get off some zingers! We all know that when we are on the internet there is no expectation of privacy. Everyone spies on everyone and everyone is capable of payback retaliation revenge so the internet is really a hotbed of hot-to-trot hotsy totsy hot air afficionados getting paid to get dirt on folks and trolling for dirt and conspiracy theories and corrupt criminal buffoons. You're probably one of the heroes of THE RESISTANCE in the White House underground. It's possible! They search for an oasis in the desert and when they see one they take the pause that refreshes! Thank you for you reply Nanoose and Happy Sunday! :)
      December 8, 2019 1:56 AM MST

  • 19937
    I think they laugh at him because of the depth of his ineptitude, his constant bragging about himself, his turning everything into being all about him, his inability to grasp global issues, his inability to utter a complete and intelligent sentence, his constant tweeting.  I could go on,but my fingers are getting tired. :)
      December 8, 2019 11:02 AM MST