Are you in debt up to your eyeballs because you keep maxing out your credit card to buy stuff, expensive stuff, name brand important stuff? Or do you stay within budget and adjust your wants to fit within it?
Do you buy what you can get by with or do you forego it entirely if it isn't "the best"?
Are there some things you have no problem "settling for" or do you never "settle for" less than the best?
Some folks aren't that interested in nutrition or diet so they "settle for" things others wouldn't eatingwise.
What is your "WANT" or "MUST HAVE"? If price were of no consequence what would you go out and buy right now?
For Jim and me it would be a condo at the beach. Our dream is to walk on the beach drinking our coffee every morning. As the sun goes down toast it with a glass of wine from our balcony.Fall asleep each night to the sound of the ocean waves outside our window.
What's your dream?