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What is your obligation to your profession?

Do surgeons have an obligation to rout out quacks? Do lawyers have an obligation to rout out LAWBREAKERS? Do accountants have an obligation to rout out bean counters who "cook the books"? Or is it cavet emptor and everyone is out for himself and no one is obligated to anyone for anything at anytime for any reason?

Posted - December 10, 2019


  • 10795
    My obligation to my profession is to try to resist the urge to "face" (straighten) the entire shelf of merchandise in a store after I pick up a product.

    Seriously, this is where whistleblowers come in.  For anyone to do this outside of that person being their "client"  might pose a problem.  No person has the right to be judge, jury and executioner.  If they think what's happening is wrong, they do have an obligation to inform those who do have the power to investigate (such as HR).  However, most people don't want to "rock the boat" for fear that they may also be tossed into the sea (retribution, fired).
      December 10, 2019 10:16 AM MST

  • 113301
    I turned my back on something being done that was illegal. We'd "sell" our Accounts Receivable to the bank who would then give us the money we neede as soon as we billed the customer. They owned the paper so when the customers paid the bank got paid back. All good and well. I found out inadvertently that what was being reported to the bank as in-house orders INCLUDED proposals! I asked my boss about it and he squirmed and really had no answer for me. I gave notice that day and in retrospect I guess I should have notified the bank. I didn't even think of that. I just wanted to get the he** out before auditors futurely would find out. I don't know what happened. What would you have done Shuhak? Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 10, 2019 11:11 AM MST