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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The don of john will be doing cartwheels backflips and jumping jacks to protect his prodon toady sycophant Republican Senators. DESPERATION?

The don of john will be doing cartwheels backflips and jumping jacks to protect his prodon toady sycophant Republican Senators. DESPERATION?

He gotta or he is removed and charged tried and convicted of corrupt criminal activities IN THE COURTS.

He OWNS the Republican toady sycophants in the Senate. They fear his wrath so they dare not squiggle a muzzle without his permission. The Senate loses the GOP majority and all they fear materializes. They're out on their a**es and Dem Prez Dem Majority Senate and Dem Majority House will try to reclaim the country we used to be and work their butts off to repair all the damage done by the don of john and his lemmings.

So you see why the don of john is so DESPERATE to come through for them and why they are so deperate to roll over for him? Of course you do.

Posted - December 10, 2019


  • 46117
    What kind of moron Senator would stick with this man?  They will be remembered for this forever.  

    IF ONE OF THEM HAD THE CAJONES TO STAND UP TO THIS MONSTER, MAYBE THE REST WOULD FOLLOW if they saw no repercusions.  However, that is a piss-poor reason to take a stand.  There WILL be some hell to pay and they don't want to pay.  PERIOD.  

    They are sniveling cowards and maybe that is what America now has become.  A nation of sniveling cowards who are too weak and ineffective to get ANYTHING DONE EVER.  
      December 10, 2019 8:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    The BASE base of the don of john adores him. The uglier meaner crueler more detestable he is the tighter they cleave unto him and prostate themselves debase themselves grovel for him. That BASE drives the fear in the Senators who know one word from the don of john and they are all toast at election time. Moreover some of the wackadoodlier weaponized ones among them might just target them for takeout and I don't mean fast food. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :
      December 10, 2019 8:16 AM MST

  • 46117
    Until we learn to WORK with these people, even if we WIN we lose.   And NO ONE SANE knows how to work with them.  I'm terrified for us all. 

     They have gotten a taste of the limelight and power and they are NEVER gonna stop. EVER. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 12, 2019 7:07 AM MST
      December 10, 2019 9:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    Here's what we cannot will not do Sharon. They are all virulently ANTI-AMERICAN. It pours from their pores with every word. We are unabashedly PRO AMERICA and keep bringing up things like TRUTH CONSTITUTION LAW. The words that all anti-Americans deplore ignore and abhor. We can never "work with them' on anything. So that is off the table. Getting rid of them or hobbling them is our only hope. At least that's how it appears to be to me at this moment. Work with skunks and poison vipers and pro RUSSIA ANTI-US folks? How?
      December 12, 2019 7:10 AM MST