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So the fake AG roy cohnliddlebillybarr doesn't believe the conclusion of his handpicked IG?

Every conspiracy theory was BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER that don the john and roycohnliddlebillybarr concocted.

So how does the fake AG royliddlebillybarr handle it? Now he picks a dingbat named Durham to do another report and you can bet it will give him EXACTLY the scenario he wants. It had dam* well better! The don of john is watching this VERY CLOSELY and if Durhum Durrum Dumbdumb doesn't perform accordin to script then  he will be gone and the fake AG roycohnliddlebillybarr will be gone and the don of john will pick someone else to do the job he demands be done come he** or high water. God save the Queen. SIGH. And the beat goes on.

Posted - December 10, 2019


  • 46117
    I am TERRIFIED of this maniac.  Liddle BILLY is the WORST villian in TRUMP'S arsenal.  He is totally devoted to the LEADER, KNOWS exactly what he is PLANNING and is executing it with total abandon.  He is SMART.  He is CRAZY but he is SMART. and that WORRIES me to no end.  

    Trump has a Roy Cohen and one THANK GOD with as big a criminal history as COHEN and WORSE so hopefully, we can NAIL this sucker to the wall.  But I WONDER. I really do.  And BARR thinks he knows what he is doing.  He is so smug and oily I cannot stand it.  Mike Pompeo is cut from the same cloth.  They think their SHI.  Does not stink.  And they are standing it it and everyone else around can't ignore the smell.  
      December 10, 2019 9:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    He is the chief boss of law and order and what is legal. He wants everyone to accept the fact that the only law is whatever demdonjohn says it is. Period. How they will pretzelize themselves futurely will be interesting to see. All of them are solidly ANTI-AMERICAN in everything they say and do. They are all PRO RUSSKY anything. The dumbdemdonjohn leads them all by the nose ring as he is led by the nose ring PUTIN holds very tightly to and boy did Putin pick the right homo SAP for the job of taking down America! Thank you for your reply Sharon. I had no idea so many millions of American "citizens" were this ANTI-AMERICAN. EVery Republican who a**kisses the dumbdemdonjohn proves it every second of every moment. They do it loudly and proudly. Millions of them surrounding us for decades just waiting for a homo SAP to rise up out of the muck and lead them to the promised land. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 12, 2019 6:52 AM MST

  • 35033

    What do you mean "NOW he picks"?    

    Durham was appointed my Barr in April of 2019.  And Durham was already working on cases related to the the leaking of the dossier in Oct 2018. (Appointed while Whittaker was still acting AG) 

    So this is not new.  And it is coming. Durham's case is now considered a criminal investigation. And he has suppena power which the IG did not have. 

    The report just released was by Micheal Horowitz, the Inspector General of the United States Department of Justice on April 16, 2012. (NOT appointed by AG Barr)

      December 10, 2019 10:25 AM MST