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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some folks are very good at putting themselves in someone else's shoes. Say you are one of them. What would YOU do?

Some folks are very good at putting themselves in someone else's shoes. Say you are one of them. What would YOU do?

The shoes are those of a GOP pol. A few years ago donjohnLIAR implicated this pol's dad in the assassination of JFK by pointing out a picture of the dad allegedly in a photo on the cover of one of those typical lying rag sheets like the National Enquirer with the assassinator. Even worse
the donjohnLIAR took potshots at the pol's wife regarding her appearance which were very insulting. Not everyone is as lucky as donjohnLIAR to have a former model wife whose nude pictures are circulating on the internet. What a lucky guy showing off what his wife's assets are without having to lift a finger. Not everyone is that lucky! At the time the pol struck back at donjohnLIAR. Wouldn't you?

Guess what? That worm turned bigly completely. That worm is now supporting donjohnLIAR in every way possible sucking up and being the perfect little toady sycophant having forgotten the ugly insults to his family.

Would YOU worm turn too? Could you do that to your parent and your mate? How could he? Why would he? How does his wife feel about his wormturn?. I don't know if his dad is still alive but I wonder what his dad would think about the wormturned son?

Posted - December 11, 2019


  • 35033
    I am sure Cruz does not like Trump personally. But agrees with him on policy. And policy is what matters.

    I think Cruz should be the next SCOTUS nominee.
      December 11, 2019 6:44 AM MST

  • 1152
    Politics is a messy business.

    The situation you describe is not unique to Donald Trump or the GOP.

    Elizabeth Warren wrote a book several years ago ("The Two-Income Trap") which I read. In it she described a meeting with then-Senator Hilary Clinton wherein Warren explained to Clinton just how bad for average Americans the proposed bankruptcy reform legislation would be (this was in the 2004-2005 time frame). After listening to Warren's arguments, Clinton stated that she agreed wholeheartedly with Warren and would do everything she could to oppose and kill the bankruptcy reform bill.

    Clinton voted for the bill.

    I do not know why Clinton voted for the bill, but one suspects the large number of financial institutions in New York State lobbied Clinton very hard to get her to vote for it.

    A few months ago, there was a raffle in my town one could enter to have a meeting/cup of coffee with presidential candidate Warren. I didn't enter, but had I done so the one question I would have asked her is how she goes about dealing personally and practically with being back-stabbed by a nominal political ally/friend as Clinton did to her.

      December 11, 2019 7:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    Politics makes for strange bedfellows SP. You lie down with dogs you get fleas. In the final analysis expedience rules and probably always will. When goals change MO's change and some people change completely because they put all their eggs in that one basket and shoot for the moon, go all in. Politics is a dirty business. I prefer the fantasy versions. The West Wing. Madame Secretary. TV style. Or Mr. Smith Goes to Washington...motion picture style. Where there are good guys who do prevail. Only in fantasy methinks. For the most part homo saps are very disappointing. When you find one who isn't you know his/her days are numbered and will become a certain target for elimination by any means. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to ya m'dear! :)
      December 11, 2019 7:22 AM MST