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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's not your fault that you are born to be broccoli and not mushrooms or yams or pineapple. Should you be punished for that?

It's not your fault that you are born to be broccoli and not mushrooms or yams or pineapple. Should you be punished for that?

Apply that to anything else you wish. As far as I know we don't priorly choose to be born as we are or get to choose our parents. We play the hand we are dealt and have no voice in it. Now some of you will say it's up to you to do good with it? I ask you this. No matter how hard broccoli tries to be pineapple it will never change what it is.

People are like that too. No magic wand that turns them into that which they are not and can never be.

Politically it sticks out biglier than anywhere. Republicans despise Dems and Dems likewise despise them. Why? They didn't CHOOSE to be that. That they are that pleases them very bigly because they think it's the cat's pajamas to be them. Sheesh. Arguments based on differences we cannot help are ridiculous. Our brains are wired thus and such. Period. Get over it.

Posted - December 13, 2019


  • 10795

    A pineapple has a unique function - being a pineapple.  No matter how much it wishes it were a broccoli or how hard it tries to be a broccoli, it will always be a pineapple. It may go around wearing a broccoli costume.  It may paint itself green.  It may chant, “I am a broccoli, I am a broccoli” until it’s yellow in the face.  It may pay others to say it’s a broccoli.  It may take classes on how to act like broccoli.  It may even have the courts change its name to broccoli.  But in the end it will still be a pineapple.

    Likewise, people have a unique function – being themselves.  Each person has their own unique “wiring”, if you will.  It’s this wiring that gives each of them their own unique aptitudes and a way to use them.  No matter how hard they try or how much they wish they were something else or not the way they are, they can never change that.  Sadly, instead of embracing their unique personality, many people strive to change themselves (this is not to say they can’t better themselves or hone their abilities).

    When it comes to being a republican or a democrat, that is strictly a personal choice.  One must choose which party they wish to join when they register to vote - and they can change it anytime they wish.  Unfortunately, people tend to lose themselves in party politics.  They come to believe that their party is the best.  In realty, neither party is better.  It’s only selfish pride that gives them any power.

      December 13, 2019 3:59 PM MST

  • 113301
    No matter where I go to play you're always up for it! Thanks a lot for that. I giggled when I read your reply. One thing though. I don't think we"choose". I think we are drawn to things because of our wiring. It is enhanced or exacerbated by our surroundings/environment/education/parenting/exposure to "what is right". Being raised in a Fascist racist household gives little chance for a kid to choose anything. Parents drag them to the hate rallies and they absorb all of that. Escaping it seems unlikely but of course it is possible. My parents were Dems. Both very hard workers. Both very pro FDR. I didn't know anything else. I do not remember the viciousness and hate though. It was a simple thing. Poor people were Democrats and rich people were Republicans. Different lives different experiences. I don't remember "choosing". I cannot envision any circumstance in which I'd be a "good" Republican though in times the long ago...there used to be Republicans I liked. Ike was one. I remember liking Nelson Rockerfeller too. Here and there. Nice people. Comparable social views.... kinda different business views. The only other prez I have experienced who was hate based like trump was nixon. Woe is us. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Saturday! :)
      December 14, 2019 2:39 AM MST

  • 11399
    Maybe it is my fault in a genetic sort of a way. A mushroom is more related to a human then broccoli, yams or pineapples because mushrooms have more sets of chromosome that resemble  human chromosome. Cheers and happy weekend!
      December 13, 2019 4:15 PM MST

  • 113301
    I worked at a place years ago Nanoose where someone compared the workers to mushrooms. Grown in the dark in sh**. Now I've only seen toadstools/mushrooms in woods or forests. Never saw a mushroom farm or anything so I don't know how they are grown but I liked that analogy. We the people are kept in the dark and fed a lot of sh** by our governments. Some gubments are way worse than others. I am a Trudeau fan. Not a dumbdementiadonjohn fan. More's the pity. My bad luck but hopefully only temporarily. I have no idea what the residue aftermath will be. How much was damaged that will never be restored. Fingers crossed but I have to tell you my hopes are not very high. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to you m'dear! :)
      December 14, 2019 2:44 AM MST