Now I see that it SHAPES politics SHAPES the thinking of we the sheeple and controls how we view the world. It can be all bullsh** crap and much of it is. You gotchure fake pholkes and fake conspiracy theories and fake presidents and fake "journalists" and fake storylines and fakes. Spouting absolute LIES and GIBBERISH and mad-dog FASCISM and RACISM as if it were all the absolute truth.
Perhaps there were bits and pieces of bullsh** LIARS always around in politics but never on this scale where FASCISM is the new kid in town and RACISM is front and center and HATE is the main entree on so many plates. Ugly. Awful. Spreading. Are YOU happy or are you dumbfounded and shocked and appalled and disgusted?
As I said before. DUMB DA DUMB DUMB. The me I used to be. I'd rather be dumb. It was easier on me.