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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All it takes to support adore the deadhead money-hungry HOOR is to have lotsa money in the bank. That's it. That's all. Are you APPALLED?

All it takes to support adore the deadhead money-hungry HOOR is to have lotsa money in the bank. That's it. That's all. Are you APPALLED?

Posted - December 16, 2019


  • 4624
    There's something more to the adulation than just wealth.
    Consider Bloomberg. He has the money, but he's certainly not yet pulling the same votes as his co-candidates.
      December 17, 2019 1:00 AM MST

  • 113301
    I didn't ask the question I intended to ask bw. Here's what I mean. The 41% of deadhead adoring worshippers require only one thing of him. That their bank accounts are lusty and growing. That's it. He can do whatever the he** he wants to do as long as they are wealthy and keep getting wealthier. Everything else be dam*ed. Everything else matters not. Only their bank accounts. They are appalling and disgusting. So many of them with no moral core or integrity. Money talks bigly and controls absolutely. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. I don't know much about him. Is Bloomburg a good man do you think? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to you m'dear! :)
      December 17, 2019 2:19 AM MST