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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does expectation ever lessen pleasure? Is the best kind of laughter always unexpected? You go to a comedy club and expect to laugh. Do you?

Does expectation ever lessen pleasure? Is the best kind of laughter always unexpected? You go to a comedy club and expect to laugh. Do you?

Posted - December 16, 2019


  • 6023
    Does expectation ever lessen pleasure?
    I'd say YES.

    That's why I hate going to movies at the theater.
    You look at the trailer, and think it's going to be a great movie ... then it turns out all the good parts were in the trailer.

    Or the commercials for toys.
    Then ya beg for the toy for Christmas or Birthday - only to discover the toy wasn't as fun as the kids in the commercial were having.
    Or, worse even, you can't use an outside toy as much because it can't handle the weather where you live.  lol
    (like most RC cars aren't supposed to go on wet surfaces, and it rains "all the time" in western WA and OR)

    I've never been to a comedy club ... because I don't want to be disappointed, if the comedy isn't funny.
      December 16, 2019 12:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    Tell ya what Walt. I could have written that. What you just said. Verbatim. Same for me for the same reasons. Some movies I've enjoyed were panned by "critics" and some I despised (the bridges of madison county f'r instance) the critics/sheeple adored. Sheesh. So I go my own way by myself and take my chances. Basing anything on what an ad says or a "critic" sez or a fan said or a paid hack sez doesn't work for me for I often disagree. What's the point? Well lots of folks live and die by the opinions of others. Sheesh! Oh. I said that already. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thy! :)
      December 17, 2019 5:04 AM MST

  • 4624
    Both yes and no. It depends on what we expect.

    If we expect something to be unpleasant or humdrum, and it turns out to be enjoyable or just the right thing to meet our needs,
    then our pleasure will be far greater than our expectation.

    My favourite kind of laughter is the sudden perception of something unexpected, or more specifically the unlikely collision of two previously unrelated fields or matrices.

    I've rarely gone to a comedy club. Part of the reason is that once I've got the comedian's style, the rest becomes predictable.
    That's not quite fair; it's true of the average young comedian who these days relies on swearing and the socially obnoxious, ostensibly for its shock value. It doesn't shock me; it just convinces me that they have a poor vocabulary and not much imagination.

    But there is great comedy, for instance, Billy Conelly's film The Man Who Sued God, or Monty Python's Life of Brian. Have never been disappointed when I've been to see the greats.
      December 17, 2019 12:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    I am not a fan of "blue" or vulgar or attack comedy. Don Rickles was a terrible guy comic-wise and folks like Frank Sinatra adored him as he eviscerated them. Why I have no idea. Making fun of others is not my cuppa tea. I don't like obvious slapstick or dumb. I like subtle and implied so that you can decide for yourself what's being discussed. I like gentle self-efacing humor. Observations with which we can all relate with no goat scape or otherwise involved. Finding the same things funny bonds people. I don't know if IQ has anything to do with it. Do dumb people like dumb comedy better than smart people? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply bw!
      December 17, 2019 5:09 AM MST