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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once upon a time camping used to be an annual family vacation destination. Ever experience camping in a National Forest? Which?

Once upon a time camping used to be an annual family vacation destination. Ever experience camping in a National Forest? Which?

Didja enjoy it? Some families would take a tour each year and visit several National Parks. The only camping our family ever did was once at Yosemite. It was one of two family vacations we ever took. Vacations were for the wealthy which we were not.

I remember it vividly. It was long ago and I remembered BRIDAL VEIL FALLS. At night red-hot coals would be tossed over the side and you'd see a long stream of red cascading down the mountain. I still remember that and it was awesome. I think subsequently in later years they stopped doing that. There was a cold stream where we camped and we had cots and sleeping bags. My mom and baby sister slept in the car. I slept on a cot and so did my dad and our relatives who lived in Fresno with whom we camped.

A bear came through at night looking for food. I awoke to a loud banging and clanging and I heard someone yell "BEAR". I froze. I guess it found what it was looking for or lost interest and left after a few minutes. When I was sure it was gone I got into the car with my mom and sis. I never saw the bear. But oddly I remember it fondly all these years later. My close brush with a "wild" animal.

I have no idea what any of our "liberated from preservation laws" National Parks look like now. I expect we will see condominiums and strip malls and palatial estates in the Grand Canyon. Car lots and real estate companies galore. It may already be too late. It may already be transformed into the ugly the craven the venal the "capitalist" the money-hungry hoor country absent any natural beauty. After all if you can make a buck off it do it. Right? The money-hungry deadheod hoor will do lots more for "his" people. Wait and see. Coming to your neighborhood. Lucky you. You 41% who adore the deadhead will surely enjoy your future a lot.

Posted - December 17, 2019


  • 17055
    I was a boy scout, so I camped a fair bit as a kid. Never really did it as a family thing, my mother's back couldn't handle it.
      December 17, 2019 2:37 AM MST

  • 113301
    I know you know the devastation the deadhead has wreaked on our nation R. Sigh. What goeth on in your country? Are there organizations like THE SIERRA CLUB that try to preserve the natural wonders? Is your country's leadership hip hep or are they like deadhead here who wants to kill destroy annihilate? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday/Wednesday! :)
      December 17, 2019 3:00 AM MST

  • 17055
    It's all on fire atm. The worst drought in recorded history, the entire country rated "Catastrophic" for fire conditions. Sydney is choking under a miasma of smoke, but the Prime Minister couldn't care less and has buggered off on holidays rather than meet with the fire chiefs to sort something out.
      December 17, 2019 8:25 PM MST

  • 35036
    We camped every year. Sometimes every weekend as a kid.
    While grown, we used to have an acre on the river. We went every weekend for about 2 yrs. We moved and sold it. That is the only thing we miss about moving.
    We still camp but are busier now (retail business) so maybe once or twice a year. 
      December 17, 2019 5:10 AM MST

  • 44752
    We camped at Grand canyon National Park and also Yellowstone, the Francis Marion National Park in SC and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We may have also camped in the Olympic National Forest in WA, but I can't pinpoint the campground where we were as it was very small, primitive and isolated. That was 1973 or 1974. I can't remember.
      December 17, 2019 2:38 PM MST