Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Cute. Conservative WISCONSIN plans to PURGE over 200,000 registered voters from its rolls. Guess which party will be affected?
Who will be affected? Those who were notified by other states that the person registered to vote in their state. And did not return the post card send to verify if they had in fact moved from their previous address. If it is in error, they will have to take small amount of time and re-register.
My state does this regularly. They send a "new" voter card to my address. If it is returned by the post office as wrong address, they will remove me from the voter registration rolls.
It's done as a matter of course everywhere. They purge the rolls of persons who are deceased (and immediately registered by Dems) those who have moved out of the state, those who haven't voted in forty years, etc. A couple of observations: First, we would welcome Wisconsin into the Conservative fold if they wish to join the rest of the rational world freeing themselves of wandering in the wilderness of Liberalism, and secondly: Conspiracy theories are for children who look for monsters lurking under the bed. It's not becoming for adults.