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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Figurative cajones vs actual. Nancy Pelosi vs moscow mitch the son of an itch. Who will blink first? Who is the real deal and who the phony?

Figurative cajones vs actual. Nancy Pelosi vs moscow mitch the son of an itch. Who will blink first? Who is the real deal and who the phony?

The deadhead wants the Senate Republicans to free him NOW. He wants a dog and pony show three ring circus with him at the center as king. He wants fire and ice and prancing horses and 100 clowns getting out of one volkswagon and horseback riders doing acrobatic tricks and high wire walkers no net. He wants fireworks and cannons and a cheering section. He wants to be the STAR ATTRACTION and wants action NOW. He demands to wear the cape of "exoneration by the Senate traitors" which is a big joke as we all know it is but him (dense he is smart he ain't) so he whips it out on all his campaign election rally stops and tells the crowd he was declared INNOCENT. That is what he wants and I don't think he is gonna keep out of the standoff between Nancy and that moscow mitch son of an itch.

How will it all come down? How will all play out? With a bang or a whimper. Place yer bets.  Who's the chicken whose gonna roll over?

Posted - December 20, 2019
