Well Alex Baldwin is great at imitating deadhead. Masterful job. WAY WAY WAY WAY better than the original
Dana Carvey as George H.W. Bush...."it wouldn't be prudent" brings a smile to my face and my memory
Rich Little was a great impersonator of everyone but I don't recall any specific takeoffs on presidents. Do you?
Tina Fey killed Sarah Palin. She was so very good at it. No one could take Sarah seriously ever after thereafter. Not a prez but a veep and a prez hopeful. Pretty little Sarah who gave Alaskans $4.95 for each wolf paw they turned in to her office. Creative. Ya gotta give her that.
Who else? Oh didn't Melissa McCarthy do a splendid takeoff of Sean Spicer...I know, not a prez but a killer representation of a sorta kinda pol a**kisser sucker upper liar