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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If Impotus impeached deadhead really loved his Jewish daughter he'd never have hired Stephen Miller. Is head also an anti-Semite?

If Impotus impeached deadhead really loved his Jewish daughter he'd never have hired Stephen Miller. Is head also an anti-Semite?

Stephen dodo bird Miller is WHITE SUPREMACIST WHITE NATIONALUST WHITE RACIST who probably back somewhere in his lineage is Jewish so he tries hard to look "white" but he doesn't succeed.

Anyway I guess the head doesn't mind the queerly peculiarly loyalty he shows to Miller and the cold shoulder he shows his daughter and grandkids and son-in-law and in-laws. A might mix of juxtapositioning traitorhood swirls without and within the head of dead instead..

Posted - December 21, 2019


  • 35039
    Stephen Miller is Jewish.  
      December 21, 2019 2:02 PM MST