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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Perhaps it will end here. At an impasse. We know moscow mitch the son of an itch has zero interest in a FAIR trial. A fitting pause/or END?

Perhaps it will end here. At an impasse. We know moscow mitch the son of an itch has zero interest in a FAIR trial. A fitting pause/or END?

I expect all prodon impeached deadhead fans do not want a fair trial. It will not service them well.

So if Nancy sticks to her guns and we know the son of an itch moscow mitch will never agree to fair it seems to me this is where it ends.

Every Republican will have an asterisk after his/her name in perpetuity for every after in both House and Senate. A testament to "thy will be done". The stacked deck. The rigged trial. The middle fingers directed at the Constitution.

Sigh. We expected more. But you can't get fair when there is none there and you don't care.

Posted - December 22, 2019


  • 35038
    You know, if this is where is ends...Trump is not impeached. Lol This post was edited by my2cents at December 22, 2019 7:13 AM MST
      December 22, 2019 6:19 AM MST