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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dis be how da flow go. He say whatever he want about anyone anything anytime anyplace no matter how vile/cruel/untrue. BUT?

Dis be how da flow go. He say whatever he want about anyone anything anytime anyplace no matter how vile/cruel/untrue. BUT?

Anyone DARES to touch a hair on his chinny chin chin and all he** breaks loose.

He goes nuts and they go nutsier.

Hypocrisy? Naw. It's just he is PERFECT and anyone who dislikes him is evil.

So he gets his way all day anywhichway and he be okay. You look crosseyed at him and you be da debbil ub ebil.

Sure that makes sense.

Posted - December 22, 2019


  • 46117
    He found his niche.  The Deplorables.  HIS BASE-- aptly named by Hilary Clinton.  She sealed her fate.  She became the FALL-GUY.  TRUMP NEEDED A BAD GUY.  He need something to focus his hate and lies upon.  She was perfect. She backed Obama.  LOCK HER UP.  Meanwhile he is in Russia's pocket taking Orders from PUTIN and doing illegal messages DURING THE CAMPAIGN.  Russia, if you are listening, get HILARY'S emails and flood the Universe with them. 

    And, by the way?  PLEASE IGNORE THE FACT THAT I AM LOOKING UP DIRT ON HILARY IN RUSSIA.  LIKE I AM DOING ON HUNTER BIDEN AS WE SPEAK.  Meanwhile I am enjoying my son's best-seller about nepotiism and Hunter.  

    Hilary stood against Trump.  Her big problem is she did not HIT HIM HARD ENOUGH and TELL HIM OFF AND GIVE HIM THE CRAP HE DESERVED AS A FOU-MOUTHED stupid person who could not debate any issue if his life depended on it.. 

    He took the lowest people on the rung of society and the least-educated morons and identified with them.  Besides the money, he was just like them.  Uneducated and stupid.  Making up lies as he went along and have big money backers to pave his way, as long as he kept his agreements with them.  Some he did. The others, he did not. If he could get away with a screw job, he never failed to screw anyone who proved of no further use.  I.e., Michael Cohen.  Stupid move by a stupid man.  

    Okay. We know about all that.  The BASE says this is a lie.  The GOP doesn't care as long as the base keeps voting them in.  

    Something's gotta give.  IF you are a DEMOCRACY which we obviously are not.  TRUMP has placed APPELLATE JUDGES who are employed forever in the system.  We need to impeach each one?  LET US PRAY WE CAN. 

    He has allied himself with the most powerful people on the planet that are not our allies.  And we are watching this.  Now Kim Jong Un who is NOT OUR ALLY is shooting missels and Trump is pooping in his diddies.  

    Everytthing is out of control.  Trump's only motive is to not die like Saddam Hussein, but unlike Saddam, he has an army of ZOMBIE BACKERS> This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 23, 2019 12:51 AM MST
      December 22, 2019 11:13 AM MST

  • 113301
    Wowsie lady! Like you said. It's not that there are supporters. It's that there are MILLIONS OF THEM! Go figger! Thank you for your thoughtful thorough and superduper reply Sharon.
      December 23, 2019 12:52 AM MST