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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » All children are HOSTAGES of their parents. Whether their captors treat them ill or well they have no say in it. How is that FAIR?

All children are HOSTAGES of their parents. Whether their captors treat them ill or well they have no say in it. How is that FAIR?

Raising their children to HATE? Lotsa parents do that. Ain't it great?
They POISON the minds of tneir children. They teach them to hate based on their fears. How is that a good thing to do?

All those prodon impeached deadhead lovers who drag their little kids to those abominations called rallies is a sin I think of great magnitude.

Millions of them ruin their children and don't care a whit or give a sh**. Asking why is useless.

Posted - December 22, 2019


  • 46117


    It's a real pisser, ain't it?  

    If you are a nasty soul, you need to come back and re-do.  A simplistic way to explain the physical.  We are not humans  that have  a spiritual experience when we die.  We are spirits housed in these bodies to learn lessons about how we never die at all.

    And ANSWERMUG?  NO ONE CARES WHEN I LAST EDITED THIS COMMENT.  Get this notice off here?  
    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 23, 2019 12:54 AM MST
      December 22, 2019 10:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    So the kids who are born to parents to torture them are getting what they deserve from a prior life? I'm gonna ask Sharon. I guess that's as good a reason as any to the question of WHY? Thank you for your reply.
      December 23, 2019 12:55 AM MST

  • 1152
    It is a curious conceit of some (most of whom, in my experience, lean politically right-wing) that parents are magical creatures who automatically know the best child-rearing methods, the best nutritional choices, who the best doctors are, which schools in their area are best for their children, and so on and so on.

    I concede that trying to construct social remedies to compensate for parental inadequacies can rapidly lead to Orwellian nightmares, but that doesn't change the reality of parental inadequacies.

    This is a difficult problem to solve, because parents want control over their children. They want this control for a variety of genetic, cultural, and social reasons, but the desire is real. Even in instances where parents are smart enough and self-aware enough to concede that maybe they don't always know what's best for their children, they will still be very reluctant to cede control.

    I not only don't have an answer for this question, I'm not sure I have even an inkling of the beginnings of an answer. Except for this: Many years ago, Hilary Clinton was lambasted for asserting "It takes a village to raise a child." As noted above, many parents adopt the attitude of "[Bleep] you, I know what's best for my kid."

    But, historically speaking, the evidence suggests HRC is correct. In societies where social groups are tighter-knit and there is less migration by the population, social structures tend to evolve where adults besides immediate parents are involved in children's lives and help to shape their development. We even see this in highly-migratory industrial cultures where parents (mostly mothers) will form support groups to help each other out. I personally think I benefited greatly from having an extra-familial  married couple, who were close friends with my parents, regularly involved in my upbringing.

    How do we get more people to accept this reality? I don't really know. This post was edited by SaltyPebble at December 23, 2019 1:04 AM MST
      December 22, 2019 10:41 AM MST

  • 113301
    The NERVE of then Mayor Bloomberg for wanting to STOP providing sugary sodas in vending machines near schools! The irate anger of the parents who said "who the he** does he think he is?" They do not give a sh** about what's best for their kids which is why the massive obesity problem among children keeps growing larger and larger. Childhood ills like DIABETES. They don't care. They want autonomy over what their kids eat and drink and they don't want no lousy government interference. The same people want legislation to control what women do with their bodies. Can you possibly find a reason that makes sense that would reconcile those positions? I"m disgusted with the refusal to do what's best for their kids including welcoming gubment help. Sheesh. Sheeple robotic bobbleheads politically whose disdain for information shapes their children's lives. Rotten SOB's. Thank you for your reply SP. I'm gonna ask. I'm pretty sure I asked before but well what could it hurt to try again?
      December 23, 2019 1:10 AM MST