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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » QUEER PECULIAR BIZARRE WEIRD ODD if true. 200 "evangelical leaders" condemn "CHRISTIANITY TODAY" YET?

QUEER PECULIAR BIZARRE WEIRD ODD if true. 200 "evangelical leaders" condemn "CHRISTIANITY TODAY" YET?

According to the magazine there is a rise in subscriptions after they denounced the head of dead impeached and called for his denunciation by evangelicals.

So the so-called leaders don't like what the magazine said but potential customers must have liked it muchly and bigly to subscribe.

What do you think of the "evangelical leaders" and what do you think of the new subscribers? You win some you lose some. One door closes another door opens. Yin and yang.

Posted - December 23, 2019


  • 35039
    Liberals or GOP (who do not like Trump) who did not have a subscription bought one.  

    Not a surprise. I have ordered things to make a statement.  I looked at it as a donation. Even if I did not want the product. I gave it to someone else. 
      December 23, 2019 12:14 PM MST

  • 46117
    My 2, your own tribe is against TRUMP.  WAKE UP.  PLEASE. What that magazine said is HONEST and SPOT ON.   Are you Evangelical or NOT?  

    I know what I am and there is not one thing Satya Sai Baba says that supports behaviors of a SNAKE AND LIAR.  Trump is a snake.  And you support a snake.  You are not following the dictates of your religion and neither is anyone else who backs Donald J. Trump. 

     You guys are all messed up in the head and there is no rhyme or reason to anything you follow.    You think that starting a war is going to bring back Jesus.     I don't know what Jesus you follow, but he never came to Earth to start the Apocalypse.  That Jesus you think is GOD has HORNS.  Horny Trump is not Horny Jesus.  He is just a pervert. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 23, 2019 12:28 PM MST
      December 23, 2019 12:21 PM MST

  • 35039
    That magazine was anti-Trump in Oct 2016. Nothing new here other than the media is making it a big deal. 
      December 23, 2019 12:42 PM MST

  • 4624
    Against the code of conduct for the Mug.

    It's fine to disagree with someone's point of view.

    It's not OK to say "you are messed up in the head" just because they have ideas we disagree with.

    You and I agree in our values and ethics - even though we don't share the same beliefs.
    This shows up some of the complexities. 

    Christians can believe in the same God and Saviour and yet hold opposite values.
    Some Christians take the view that unconditional loving-kindness surpasses all other values and that our government should be based on principles guided by such love. I agree with that even though I'm not a Christian.
    Other Christians (the fundamentalists and creationists) believe in a patriarchal and punishing God who demands faith, obedience and loyalty above all other values, no matter what the cost. And there's a spectrum of variations in between.
    I believe the fundamentalist view creates a lot of social problems and suffering, which makes it tempting to call it insane. But unfortunately, it's not. Such believers have a solid enough grasp of real-world realities. 

    Old Skool once helped me understand it.
    There are numerous psychological studies of tens of thousands of believers, selected to represent the full spectrum of faiths and approaches.
    In the studies, the lifestyles, values and personalities of the respondents are correlated with
    their particular church (Anglican, Catholic, JW, Adventist, Uniting, Pentacostal, etc) and the tenets and practices of those sects.
    It turnes out the vast majority of people don't change because of what they believe.
    They choose their beliefs to support and reinforce what they already are.

    When it comes to trying to influence political choices, I think it works better to discuss the outcomes of specific policies - how they affect minorities and special needs, the overall statistical changes that are visible results of shifts in policy in the USA and elsewhere in the world. Examine the examples of other countries and history. We also need to show what's happening as a result of climate change and pollution.

    No one on the Mug has yet discussed the reality of Alabama swamped by the rise in sea level. I find that extraordinary. 90% of that state's landmass is gone, and no one remarks on it. 

    How about the melting of the permafrost in the tundra of Alaska - methane by the gigatonnes being released into the atmosphere - why does no one discuss it?

    Discussing these specifics would be one way to encourage people to examine policies rather than personalities. This post was edited by inky at December 24, 2019 6:53 AM MST
      December 23, 2019 3:59 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply.
      December 24, 2019 2:42 AM MST