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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When did the urge to worship begin? Earth air fire water..sun and moon...other animals. Worshipped at one time or another. Trees?

When did the urge to worship begin? Earth air fire water..sun and moon...other animals. Worshipped at one time or another. Trees?

Allegedly Patagonians still worship trees as did early Semites.

From the sublime to the divine to the bizarre to the odd homo saps have worshipped everything.

Is WHAT they worship any indication of the health of the species?

Many millions worship a donaldjohntrump though they will never admit what they feel is WORSHIP.

An indication of the decline and fall of mankind?

Posted - December 26, 2019


  • 3719
    Never mind Mr. Trump or any other here-today-gone-tomorrow person. People might "worship" their chosen political or "celebrity" idols, but only in a very shallow, fawning way.

    Worship in a spiritual or religious sense is probably as old as humanity itself, because it seeks to give answers or to provide comfort nothing else  really can; especially in the matter of death and bereavement. All known religions, extant or extinct, have or had that at heart.

    This is also suggested for pre-history by traces of funerary rites such as body positions and personal possessions in graves; and the Neolithic propensity for building chamber-tombs of which most remain as gaunt,  silent stones.

    It's quite possible the Neanderthals, our extinct, closely-parallel brother species, had very similar emotional and spiritual needs; and were close enough apparently to have been able to breed with "us" (Homo Sapiensis). Archaeologists are now giving H. Neanderthalis, long maligned as brutish, dim-witted sub-humans, the respect they deserve. Evidence for these people is extremely slender, but a small stone circle found fairly recently in a French cave is thought to have been made by Neanderthals, and whilst we cannot possibly know, it is not too far-fetched to think it had a ceremonial , perhaps, religious, function.
      December 28, 2019 2:39 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for a very thoughtful and information-filled reply Durdle. It is appreciated. Happy Sunday as well! :)
      December 29, 2019 1:19 AM MST