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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Wonder if Santa forgot the caged kids? I wonder what kind of food they were fed for Christmas? Water and bread with sugary sprinkles?

Wonder if Santa forgot the caged kids? I wonder what kind of food they were fed for Christmas? Water and bread with sugary sprinkles?

I wonder what they dreampt about if they slept at all on Christmas Eve? What did YOUR little kids dream about in their warm cozy beds? What did YOUR kids eat for their Christmas feast? Not your problem right cuz they ain't YOUR kids and of course it is their parents fault for bringing them here so whatever the kids get they deserve?

Do YOUR kids deserve what they get too because of you? Sigh. Never mind. Not your problem about "the other".

Posted - December 27, 2019


  • 11404
    Santa didn't forget about them but the GOP likely did. I can almost assure you they got nothing special because if they did the GOP would of had photo ops showing the kids having Christmas dinners and stuff like that. I think its likely that they got even less because some of the kitchen staff had the day off so they were under staffed and maybe some of the kids went hungry. Those kids probably lost track of time long ago so Christmas was just another day of suffering and sorrow - likewise for those kids parents. Cheers!
      December 27, 2019 11:00 AM MST

  • 113301
    How many children do you and your wife have m'dear? When I first saw the photos of those little kids lying under shiny tin foil "blankets"  and crying for their parentsI imagined my child being among them without my being able to do anything for him. I cannot even almost imagine what those parents have gone through. We know the children are damaged irreparably for the entirety of their lives. The homo heads who adoringly worship the impeached deadhead don't give a sh** or a rat's a** about any of it. Their savior the impeached deadhead can do no wrong and then I wonder about "suffer the little children to come unto me" and how that tracks for those who think of themselves as most devtoedly religious and I don't know whether I should barf or cry.  I shall ask. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday.
      December 28, 2019 2:59 AM MST