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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I grew up in a family where our parents denied themselves things to make sure my sister and I wanted for naught. Typical, right?

I grew up in a family where our parents denied themselves things to make sure my sister and I wanted for naught. Typical, right?

Of course what my sister and I wanted was always within the realm of reason for we knew what our family finances were and so our "wants" were very modest. Dad was out of work for awhile and peddled phone books to earn some money. Mom did sewing at home...repairing or restyling clothes and even furs for wealthy ladies. We knew the value of money and we did not whine for things we knew our parents could not afford. Of course we wanted them but we never said it out loud except to each other.

Nothing unusual about that. Many of you lived the same kinds of lives.

But I wonder among the wealthy when they don't ever have to deny themselves anything for anyone where do they get the pleasure of experiencing doing without so another can have? Is that a necessary human thing to experience? What other things do the very wealthy never experience so they can never understand? Wandering wondering meanderings at year's end.

We hope for a better year. Don't we?

Posted - December 27, 2019


  • 10795
    The wealthy don't "do without" so when something happens to them they fall apart.  Much like the current generation when the power goes out for more than an hour (can't survive without their phones).

    Doing without so another may have is a form of love.  When one has wealth they don't (necessarily) have to do without.  That's why many wealthy people only have self love.  Some will "give" their wealth to "help" others, but this is just a charade; a way to get publicity, have tax write offs, or make more money.  In other words, they attempt to "buy love".  (and we're back to the "love of money ..." saying again).

    Doing without so others (or another) can have is painful, but, in the long run, it can be rewarding.  It helps one learn and grow.  Many people seek after money (wealth).  Yet when one does without for the sake of others they gain something more valuable than money - true success.
      December 27, 2019 10:13 AM MST

  • 113301
    Is there a difference in character between those born to wealth and those who earn what they have? I'm gonna ask. I think there would be don't you? Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak.
      December 28, 2019 5:48 AM MST