Discussion » Questions » Politics » My friend my2cents, tells me that MANY MANY people use the Pepe meme INNOCENTLY.. But, once they find out that Pepe is the mascot of white supremacists and Jew haters, why don't they stop??

My friend my2cents, tells me that MANY MANY people use the Pepe meme INNOCENTLY.. But, once they find out that Pepe is the mascot of white supremacists and Jew haters, why don't they stop??



Posted - September 18, 2016


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepe_the_Frog

    Pepe is a meme expressing a "Feels good man" sentiment. That's all it is. It has been widely used by all kinds of people.

    The idea that it's synonymous with white nationalism, is propaganda put out by the disgustingly far left southern poverty law centre. It has always been a strategy of the far left to try suggest that everything is "code" for racism. It's an attempt to silence opposition by making people afraid of being misinterpreted.

    Much of the symbolism that the democratic party uses is hardcore Marxist such as the use of the word "forward" as a slogan. Hillary's "H" with a red "forward" arrow is the same thing. These logos are as offensive as a swastika as far as I'm concerned. Though the average democrat voter has no idea, so I just let it go.

      September 18, 2016 8:17 AM MDT

  • 3934

      September 18, 2016 8:22 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello AS:

    I understand that SOME people think he's just a cool frog, and SOME people use him as a racist image..  So, if it was ME, and I found out that something I was doing was something SOME people thought was racist, I'd stop.  In fact, I DID that.  I guess that's the politically correct part of me..  I used to live in Phoenix.  There was a local mountain named Squaw Peak.  Come to find out, Indians believe the word is HIGHLY offensive, as it's the Navajo word for a woman's sexual organ... 

    So, I STOPPED using it..  So did the state.  I'll bet you'd NEVER stop using it.


      September 18, 2016 8:48 AM MDT

  • 2515
    All I remember is that the creator of Pepe, Matt Furie, said Pepe was not the mascot of the alt group. So he drew a meme where Pepe is peeing on them. Ha! He isn't giving up his cartoon figure to them.
      September 18, 2016 9:01 AM MDT

  • I would do the same because there is no reason not to. I'm not in conflict with Navajo Indians. I have nothing to gain by offending them and I have nothing to lose by submitting to their feelings.

    I am in conflict with the left. Submitting to an enemy is a show of weakness that would undermine my position and encourage further acts of passive aggression. The leftist would invent so many "micro aggressions" I would be more or less gagged in no time.

      September 18, 2016 9:55 AM MDT

  • Some people are blinded by their stubborness, they refuse to see the truth for what it is.

    Pepe may have started out as a 4Chan meme, but it was quickly adopted by the Alt-right, white supremacists, and jew haters. It's a code for what these type of people believe in and those who say it's innocent have been fooled into spreading this unwittingly or are lying about not knowing what it really means and adamantly insist it just means, "Feels good man."

    It rather ingenious really byt tricking people into thinking it's innocent OR  as a way for people to play dumb, but it's a means to identify oneself with other like-minded persons.  Just recently during a Clinton speech, someone holloered out, "Pepe".

    Another great example of code is the political jargonese,  "Family Values."  Politicans use that as part of their platform rhetoric to infer that they are anti-Marriage equality and anti-LGBTQ.

      September 18, 2016 11:09 AM MDT

  • 35073
    It is not "many" people it is the vast majority of people. As I already told you Pepe the Frog was the most used meme on Tumblr. And the 6th most used on the web. Unless you believe that all of those people are racist... you have lost your point. But as you said you don't care however many other people use Pepe, it doesn't make them racist. But the Trumps using it is racist.

    The KKK uses the cross on their costumes and burns crosses. Does that mean that when I and other Christians wear a cross that we are endorsing the KKK? No it means some idiots have tried to hijack the meaning of the cross. Not that everyone has to give it up and let them have our symbol of our faith.
    The same goes for Pepe.

    I had never heard of Pepe until your other question. I asked my son about it (he is all about the memes) After he got over his amazement that I knew who Pepe was, he explained that Pepe was simply a general meme that is used for everything but not in anyway racist.
      September 18, 2016 1:29 PM MDT