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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Winning is everything. How means nothing. Was it always like that? Did homo saps start out good and devolve into what we are today?

Winning is everything. How means nothing. Was it always like that? Did homo saps start out good and devolve into what we are today?

Liars cheaters betrayers

Posted - January 2, 2020


  • 10797
    To the victor go the spoils.  Its been that way since time began. The winner gets the losers possessions - land, cities, crops, livestock, women (etc.), as well as praise (from friends).  So, technically, winning WAS everything.   Even in games, winning makes one feel good; while losing ... not so much.  And everyone likes to feel good.  
    So to insure they will win, people cheat, lie, and slander.  In war we call this strategy, and praise those who do it.  But when it comes to sports (eg. football, baseball), games (eg. Monopoly, Go Fish), or politics, we condemn it.   There are games on the market that encourage one to cheat while playing).  thus, dishonesty becomes strategy.  Win at all costs, screw everyone else.  Is it any wonder that dishonesty is so prevalent in our society?
      January 2, 2020 12:29 PM MST

  • 113301
    Are you kidding Shuhak? Please say you are kidding! "...there are games on the market that encourage one to cheat while playing." And so we raise our children to win no matter what by cheating or betraying or lying or setting up of whatever? How lovely. Thank you for your reply. A question comes to mind.
      January 3, 2020 4:24 AM MST

  • 10797
    Sadly, I'm not kidding. (sigh) 
      January 3, 2020 9:46 AM MST