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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Where is the proof it was an IMMINENT THREAT? Nowhere because it wasn't. Guess what the nitwits are saying now?

Where is the proof it was an IMMINENT THREAT? Nowhere because it wasn't. Guess what the nitwits are saying now?

Doesn't matter if Solemani wasn't an imminent threat he was a bad guy.

Backtracking tail between legs as usual.

Beat the drum loud and then when you are called on for giving everyone a headache you tell them something different to save your  sorry a**. Sorry Charlie it ain't workin' for ya. Stupid dumbs surround the biggest stupid dumb the one and only dumb don. They are falling over themselves tracking back.

Somewhere in future time I hope they will HAVE to answer to someone/something for their consistent LIES. Universal justice will finally get all of them I hope. Or KARMA. A balancing out of all the harm they are doing...they will pay for it. An eye for an eye worked well once upon a time. Maybe it's time to try it again. A life for a life? Lock up all those who were instrumental in caging and kenneling little kids? Poetic justice. It has a long memory. It will getcha.

Posted - January 7, 2020


  • 35070
    They are breafing Congress today. I am sure they will leak. 
    This is why they were not told ahead of time. 
      January 7, 2020 9:41 AM MST