Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» You cannot possibly accurately "judge" complex or simple just by a cursory glance. Things are never what they seem. Are they?
We can never see all the angles, all the outcomes of any situation. A quick glance may show 5 sheep feeding peacefully in a field. However, a closer examination may reveal one of those sheep is actually a wolf in a sheepskin. A quick glance may reveal a pile of dirty rocks. However, upon closer examination one may see gold in one of those rocks. Things - or people - are always what they seem.
Do you really think so Shuhak? What about the consummate liars con scam fakes who lie so well you are entranced with them until the the sh** hits the fan? Have you never been duped by someone? If not I salute you. I tend to believe what people tell me since I don't lie I figger why should they? Well some do and people like me always get caught believing. I can't change. I know you're very smart and very wise. I'm not a total idiot but I sometimes will trust the very untrustworthy. Those who were not at all whom they "seemed" to be. If you haven't experienced that you are truly unique and lucky too. Thank you for your reply! :).