What will dumb don do today to get IMPEACHMENT back in the shadows? Declare war on where or whom?
He looks awful weak. Big mouth no teeth. Barks a lot but when challenged he shuts right up don't he? Cowardly. Bully. Scairdy cat. Stumblebum. Stay tuned. He has only just begun.
The problem is the Trump administration (and defenders of His Orangeness) has to answer a simple question: what was the justification for killing Soleimani?
If the basis of the argument is moral reasons ("he was a bad man"), then it needs to be explained exactly why he was bad, how his "badness" differs from other people we are not killing, and why the US didn't go through formal legal procedures to indict him for his badness.
If the basis of the argument is on strict geopolitical interest grounds, it has to be explained how the killing of Soleimani enhances American geopolitical interests. The Trump administration has failed to do this in any tangible way (stating without evidence "he was a bad man responsible for many American deaths" is not sufficient). Also, if Trump and his supporters are arguing on this basis, then they need to STFU about the actions of other geopolitical actors (e.g. the Saudis who crashed airplanes into the Pentagon and World Trade Center). If the only standard of conduct is whether or not it advances the geopolitical interests of the entity engaging in them, then "all's fair in love and war"
If the basis of the argument is WE are moral actors who are occasionally forced by THEM to behave an in amoral way because that's the reality of geopolitics, then it needs to be explained why in this particular instance it was absolutely necessary to violate the 6th Commandment ("Thou shall not kill/murder"). The reporting to date suggests the assassination of Soleimani was part of a list of options presented to President Trump, and it was denoted as an extreme and risky response to events in Iraq. Yet President Trump chose it anyway over other less-MurderDeathKill options, and no good rationale has been presented why this was necessary.
If the basis of the argument is "Four legs Republicans...GOOD, two legs F***ing Hadjis Democrats...BAD, well...those arguments are prima facie hypocritical and silly.
Re: "So lets compare apples to apples. Not apples to rotten oranges."
Yes, let us do so...
"Our military Gen have not been sanctioned by UN for supporting terrorism activities."
Our Gen have not murdered protesters in our own country by having the shot in the head.
Nah, they farm that work out to other repressive regimes (Shah of Iran, Pinochet in Chile,
all the "black sites" where prisoners were tortured during the invasion/occupation of Iraq, etc.)
Or they do it via bombing, drone strikes, napalm,
our Gen dp not support terrorist groups finacially or training them etc.
Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!
And IF one did do such things the rest of the world would not have to worry about killing him....we would do that ourselves.
Curious, I don't recall there being any executions for the Iran-Contra affair, for arming the "moderate" Syrian rebels who became the core of ISIS, and on and on and on.
In fact, Ollie North, a military officer and one of the major architects of the plan to arm terrorist groups (via Iran) in order to fund the Contras (another terrorist group, by any consistent application of the term) is something of a cause celebre in right-wing US politics
Once again, your only argument as to why the assassination of General Soleiamani is morally justified boils down to "Four legs...GOOD! Two legs...BAD!" (and I really hope you're getting that literary reference).
Perhaps you are not aware of the sordid realpolitik history of the United States (or Israel)?