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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's OBVIOUS that all pols foreign and domestic play games at every level. Was this dog and pony show real or planned? Who knows?

It's OBVIOUS that all pols foreign and domestic play games at every level. Was this dog and pony show real or planned? Who knows?

Send out missile strikes but be very careful not to harm any Americans.

What kind of reaction is that to the murder of a top military leader?

The dumb don meekly backed down from his big boy threats of destroying historical treasures. What a bunch of bullcrap baloney from everyone.

IMPEACHMENT isn't going away. What other tricks the dumb don and his foreign cohorts engage in will be biggerr and betterer. Maybe if they keep it up someone will eventually get hurt. In the meantime it's all a reality show designed to distract folks away from IMPEACHMENT. Stay tuned. More to come. Bigger better new and improved!

Posted - January 8, 2020


  • 46117
    They HAVE no strategy.  Trump is at the helm.  He liked what Pompeo offered as possibilities that he could choose and OF COURSE he chose the most ridiculous and devastating choice of ALL.    

    This is MIKE POMPEO trying to STAND OUT IN HISTORY.  He is going to stand out all right.  Watch the COWARD back-peddle now and pompously REWRITE HiSTORY ; ALA SARA HUCKABEE,  when push comes to shove.   

    Pompeo is close to Trump when it comes to speaking LIES all day and night.  LIAR.  BIG FAT LIAR.  He ordered the strike and Trump was behind it.  They were in cahoots and I am sure there was very little thought behind Trump and Pompeo's stupid thoughtless agenda.  

      January 8, 2020 8:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    Pompousa** is having his day of glory. We don't hear anything about liddlebillybarr that roycohn shyster. Or mike pounce. The rudyg is in the background. Big shot loudmouth pompousa** is all over the TV shows. Oleaginous obsequious lying bastard is what he is and always will be. Moscow mitch that son of an itch is the very worst majority Senate leader in the history of the world. That rotten worm made Obama's job far more difficult and is the hoor to beat all hoors when it comes to dumb don having his way with moscow. AC DC obviously. Thank you for your reply. What's gonna come next? Something way worser fer shure. This post was edited by RosieG at January 8, 2020 9:01 AM MST
      January 8, 2020 8:58 AM MST

  • 46117
    YEP. YEP and YEP.  
      January 8, 2020 9:01 AM MST

  • 113301
      January 8, 2020 9:43 AM MST