Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» So far Iran is the ADULT and dumb don is the erratic hysterical hissy fit tantrum infant. Things could change. Gonna bet on it?
It seems that the adult in the room is the one showing all sorts of restraint. The erratic hysterical hissy fit tantrum infant is the one that lashes out in reckless abandon and throws rockets around, fifteen of them to be exact. Of course, most of us "ADULTS" understand that Iran's base of support in the US, in the form of the Democrat Party, is far more dangerous to global stability than your garden variety" hissy fit tantrum". When it comes to international terror and the networks protected by terror supporting states, you're either for 'em or against 'em. The rational among us choose to defend ourselves. Sorry 'bout the rest of you.
Re: " The rational among us choose to defend ourselves"
Exactly who or what are you defending? In the recent crisis, nothing the Iranians did was an existential threat to the United States.
If you are defending the United States' ability/desire to throw its weight around in the geopolitical sphere, that is nominally rational. However, if you are doing so, then you CANNOT criticize the actions of any other geopolitical actor. If self-interest rules all, it is hypocritical to claim that the self-interest of Party X is paramount to the self-interest of Party Y. In that world-view, "good" and "bad" are not applicable concepts. There are only actors and their interests.
But, of course, that's not what many people do. They want to have it both ways. They want to claim the geopolitical actions of the United States (or any other preferred actor) are Good, simply because they are the ones acting. And the actions of another actor are Bad, simply because that actor's interests and actions are not congruent with what the United States wants.
Or, more simply put: Four legs United States/Allies...GOOD! Two legs F***ing Hadjis Iran...BAD!