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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Animals defecate wherever they happen to be. You can train cats to limit where they do their "business". Other animals?

Animals defecate wherever they happen to be. You can train cats to limit where they do their "business". Other animals?

We know that dumb don defecates wherever he happens to be and his "thugs and mugs" clean up after him constantly. There is a constant stench emanating from him and of course he is used to his own "aroma" so he doesn't have a clue. Now his peeps have become used to it. In the olden days the guys who picked up the garbage got used to the smell. With the truck they use today they never have to touch anything. The truck does it for them.

Dumb don is entitled to defecate wherever he goes so he does. Now who entitled him to do that? He hisself.

His "employees" have gotten used to it. Cleanup in aisle 9! They are always running after him cleaning up his mess. Literally.

Posted - January 19, 2020


  • 1305
    That explains this then...

      January 19, 2020 1:55 PM MST

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahaha! PERFECT! I had forgotten about this entirely when I asked the question kj. Thank you for reminding me of it at such an opportune time! WHOA and OOH LA LA! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 20, 2020 5:24 PM MST
      January 20, 2020 2:49 AM MST

  • 1305
    RosieG, whenever someone asks me for some sense regarding Trump, I invite them to the above clip, and the one where he is unable to close an umbrella.

      January 20, 2020 5:24 PM MST

  • 113301
    My first giggle of this morning kj for which I thank you bigly. First the toilet paper then the umbrella. Boy he really is inept and not put together well. He needs to have someone check him out head to toe before he leaves his bedroom.  Do you recall another time when it was raining and culthead dumb don held the umbrella over his own head walking forward and trailing behind him were the un umbrellaed Melania and un umbrellaed Barron? Culthead dumb don never once turned around to see if they were okay. Whattan a**! Sigh. Thank you for your reply and the video and Happy Tuesday. It boggles the mind how adored he is by his worshippers. This creature from the black lagoon has fans? Go figger that one out! :)
      January 21, 2020 4:49 AM MST

  • 1305
    It boggles my mind how any politician is adored full stop RosieG, in the UK we know that our politicians are a bunch of oafs.
      January 21, 2020 10:39 AM MST