Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Loving or being loved. Which makes you a better person? If you could only attain one which one would it be and WHY?

Loving or being loved. Which makes you a better person? If you could only attain one which one would it be and WHY?

Posted - January 20, 2020


  • 10700

    Oooo... trick question.  Logically, loving would make one a better person.  When we love it gives us a feeling of satisfaction; sometimes pleasure (even when we show love to a complete stranger).  However...

    We are designed to both love and be loved.  If any of these are missing in our life, we feel incomplete.   Not being loved can cause a person to become despondent, lonely, depressed.  Not giving love cases one to turn inward to themselves (self love).  They become egotistical and narcissistic.  This makes it hard for them to be loved by others.  They end up empty inside.  

    Being loved and giving love are intertwined.  Ideally, one works off the other.  When one shows love, they are more apt to receive love.  When one receives love, they are more apt to show love.

      January 20, 2020 10:51 AM MST

  • 113301
    I did not intend to pull/play any tricks Shuhak. If you are loved YOU are the beneficiary. When you love of course you are also the beneficiary but the love is bestowed on another. It is selfless if it is true love. Receiving love gives comfort to the loved one. But I think those who give love are the "better" people. Those who receive love might take it for granted and not return it because they do not "feel" love for the giver. I dunno. If you are never loved that would cause great psychological damage and so it could make you incapable of giving love. I read that babies who are not cuddled as infants do not develop properly. Cuddling is necessary to their normal development. Maybe they are intertwined. Let me put it this way. Would you rather give a gift or receive a gift? Which makes YOU happier? Thank you for your thought reply! :)
      January 21, 2020 4:19 AM MST

  • 10700
    I wasn't implying that you were trying to trick anyone.  Of course the one who gives love is the better person.  My point was that if one gives and gives but never receives, they can become tired and give up (stop trying to love). 

    If you gave a person $100 for their birthday each year, yet never received a thank you or any other acknowledgement, would you continue to give then that gift?
      January 21, 2020 10:47 AM MST

  • 113301
    It would depend on the person Shuhak. True giving never expects anything in return so while being thanked would be very nice I doubt it would stop me from doing what I wanted to do if I weren't. Does not being thanked ever stop you from doing/saying what you want to do/say? I bet it doesn't. Now giving money when you can't afford it is something I wouldn't do. So if I send that much to anyone repeatedly it would have to be something I could afford to give. I get pleasure enough in doing. I'm the one who hugs people. I'm the one who smiles first and speaks first. I have outgrown the shy me and have become very outgoing in my small world. We go to several markets each week and I am on hugging basis with employees there. I know their names, their situations, their problems. I stop and chat and acknowledge them as human beings separate from being there to serve me. I think not enough people do that so they remember me. I do it because I can't not do it. Did I always do it? No. But as I've gotten older and I've seen the good a kind word can do for others I give out all the kind words I can every day. I have a lot of years to atone for when I expected others to always reach out to me. TMI? Thank you for your reply! :)
      January 22, 2020 4:20 AM MST