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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I do not know what church culthead dumb don attends or his religion but I betcha he'd be willing to become a Catholic. Why you ask?

I do not know what church culthead dumb don attends or his religion but I betcha he'd be willing to become a Catholic. Why you ask?

So he could be elevated to sainthood of course. I think he loves titles of any kind and how many presidents have been elevated to sainthood? So what does he have to do to get that saint thing on his resume? Bribe folks? Strong arm them? Extort? Threaten? Intimidate? Cajole? All of the above?

Posted - January 21, 2020


  • 1305
    I don't know either, but his sister gives money to the Society Of Jesus (Jesuits) which is an order of the Catholic Church. Which was founded by Ignatius of Loyola.

    Wikipedia Quote - In September 1523, Íñigo made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the goal of settling there. He remained there from 3 to 23 September but he was sent back to Europe by the Franciscans.

    He returned to Barcelona and at the age of thirty-three began to attend a free public grammar school to prepare himself for entrance to a university. When his preparation was complete, he then went on to the University of Alcalá,where he studied theology and Latin from 1524 to 1534.

    There he encountered some women who had been called before the Inquisition. These women were considered alumbrados (Illuminated, Illuminati, or Enlightened Ones) – a group that was linked in their zeal and spirituality to Franciscan reforms, but had incurred mounting suspicion on the part of the administrators of the Inquisition. At one point, Íñigo was preaching on the street when three of these devout women began to experience ecstatic states. "One fell senseless, another sometimes rolled about on the ground, another had been seen in the grip of convulsions or shuddering and sweating in anguish." This suspicious activity had taken place while Íñigo was preaching without a degree in theology. Íñigo was then singled out for interrogation by the Inquisition; however, he was later released.

    This post was edited by kjames at January 22, 2020 1:59 AM MST
      January 21, 2020 3:52 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Kj and the link and the background. I appreciate all of it. You refer to the former judge sister who stepped down from the bench to avoid being indicted for fraud or something right? The trumps are well-known for their fraudulent endeavors. What a family tree!
      January 22, 2020 2:16 AM MST

  • 1305
    Sometimes looking into the background of influential people brings up or answers questions.
      January 23, 2020 11:53 AM MST