Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Wanna know the worst shopping experience you can have? Going clothes shopping with other women ! No kidding! What's your WORST?
I haven't gone clothes shopping in years. Early on I'd go with girlfriends (AARRGGHH) or my mom and sis (AARRGGHH). I hated it so I stopped doing it. Much better alone on my own. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Thursday to thee. I don't remember. Did I already wish you that on another thread?
Food shopping with an elderly neighbor. I gave a neighbor a ride to the supermarket a while back and I thought I'd never get out of the store. She had to walk down every aisle, look at every label, check every price. I go with a list, put what's on the list in my cart and check out.
I would be your worst nightmare my friend. I always work from a list but I always go up and down the aisles and if I spot something new to me I always read the labels. What you may not know about me is that I'm kinda antisocial. I have never been to any function at the clubhouse in this retirement community and we've been here 12 years. Jim plays golf so he attends all those functions. My social life basically is Answermug and going to the market. I LOVE BEING SURROUNDED BY FOOD! I'm on a hugging basis with some of the employees in every grocery store I go into. We have some nice neighbors across the street that I chat with on occasion but mostly I'm a loner. Getting back to the food thingy I can be feeling puny and the minute I hit a grocery store I perk right up! One year for my birthday my sister took me to the GRAND OPENING of a brand new grocery store. We also went to the library in her town and I got a library card. Then we joined my brother-in-law for lunch at a sandwich shop/candy store. We had lunch and got some candy and I had had a perfect day! Other birthdays we've gone to Las Vegas or Laughlin and had a great time but for some reason I can't quite put my finger on that one I told you about in detail is probably my favorite! Thank you for your reply L and Happy Thursday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at January 24, 2020 8:09 AM MST
I'm not at all surprised to know that you're on hugging terms with supermarket personnel. :) I am a little surprised that you are "antisocial." You are definitely a communicator and I would have thought that social gatherings, at least small ones, would interest you. I'm much the same - not a joiner.
You enjoy cooking, so I'm not surprised that you like to spend a lot of time in the supermarket or grocery store. I don't cook much at all so for me it's a necessity to re-stock the larder rather then something I enjoy doing. The way you like to spend time in the food stores, I do the same in the craft stores that sell yarn. One of my favorite chains is going out of business at the end of March and I'm in there every week buying up whatever is on sale, which is more everything. Happy Friday. :)
You are artistic like my mom and sis. My son told me once that I was a very creative artist in the kitchen. I treasure that. I guess you're more apt to be good at what you enjoy than what you don't! Thank you for you thoughtful reply L. If/when we got together I bet we could figure something out! :)
Methinks he said it to be kind. I do cling to it though at times. I am an EXCELLENT appreciator of the talent of others though. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Saturday! :)
Yep I do! Sometimes what I think will work won't and what I don't think will work does. So I'm often surprised! Thank you for your reply L and Happy Sunday! :) Our weather upcoming this week is RIDICULOUS! Starting with today 69. 73. 75. 71. 75. 78. 82. 81! What kind of winter weather is that? Geez what kind of summer are we in for? Oy vey! :(
It's been in the low to mid-40s here in NYC. Today is very cloudy and Saturday we had rain almost all day. I'm not complaining. :) I don't mind the cold, but i do mind snow. We have had very little of that, fortunately.
I used to have to help a friend shop for her family ... and they were constantly calling with items they forgot to add to the list.
When the local Kroger and WalMart started offering "call in" grocery service, I told them that was how they were going to do it or they could do their own shopping.
Let somebody else gather all the items up, and I'll just go pick it up. lol
Buying a car is the worst! It's just a big cat and mouse game. The best deal I ever got on a car is when I went in not caring if I bought one or not. They didn't know what to do with me when I kept turning down their best offer because they were still going to be better off than I was if I bought the car. They finally got so tired of trying to play with me .. they just gave me what I wanted so I'd leave! Best car I ever bought.
You knew what you wanted and held out till you got what you wanted! You refused to let them bamboozle you! Betcha they were intimidating patronizing and condescending too! That's what salesguys do when a woman is the buyer. I get infuriated. They don't know what hit them! So much for trying to tell a "little old lady" what to do! That'll learn 'em! Thank you for your reply Mrs.C and Happy Friday to thee! :)
Car shopping is worse. Though the last couple times I went, I played dealers against each other.
How? Say you want a Ford. You find 2 dealers: Dealer1 doesn't have exactly what you want on lot, and Dealer2 does. Dealer1 can get the vehicle from Dealer2. It's just an inventory transfer to them. But you can still play off "I'll get a better deal if I buy from Dealer{x}" between them.
I've also told them during negotiations that I'm hungry and will come back after I eat. They don't want to give you that time to consider, without them pressuring you. So they'll give you a better deal, just to keep you there.
But clothes shopping? Yeah, I don't enjoy that. I actually have an aunt and uncle that haven't shopped for clothes for over 50 years - because she sews all her family's clothing. Other than a lack of labels, you can't tell they aren't name brand clothing. Well, that and the fact that they are tailor-fit. lol