Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If you always tell the truth it should not harm you. But who determines truth? What pressures are there to adapt to the version of others?

If you always tell the truth it should not harm you. But who determines truth? What pressures are there to adapt to the version of others?

Do you accept adapt go along because you trust them to tell you what you should think what you should do whom you should believe how you should act? Why?

That is what organizations and groups and political parties and hate groups do. Tell you what you should think and if you stray you will be punished for it.

RINO and DINO. If a Republican dares think for him/herself and goes against the standard issue propaganda bullsh** CRAP he/she is dubbed a Republican in Name Only. Patent bullsh**. Same for a Dem.

Thinking for yourself is not allowed in any group. You either toe the party line or you get out.

Mindless automatons doing what they're told saying what they're told to say pretending everything is A OK.

T'is a pity.

Posted - January 24, 2020
