Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You can count on a guy who ALWAYS lies as much as you can count on a guy who always doesn't! Wanna know why?

You can count on a guy who ALWAYS lies as much as you can count on a guy who always doesn't! Wanna know why?

Cuz you just take the opposite of the aways LIAR and there's your truth.

When he says he did he didn't. When he sez he didn't he did. When he sez he never met the guy you know they've been in bed together multiple times. When he sez he is on intimate terms with him/her you know liar never ever met him/her. Easy peasy nice and easy queasy breezy lotsa sneezy.

Counting on someone is essential to having trust in him/her. An always liar is as trustworthy and countonable as a never liar as long you understand you have to completely flip what liar says to get to the truth. How hard is that? It ain't!

Posted - January 28, 2020
