Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The infamous Ken Starr of Clinton impeachment fame wrung his hands in despair at the division in our country. Were you moved?

The infamous Ken Starr of Clinton impeachment fame wrung his hands in despair at the division in our country. Were you moved?

A pathetic useless TV fame name who can contribute nothing. Clinton lied about consensual sex with an adult. He did not sell his country out to a hostile foreign power or support the lies of a Putin and attack the truth of his own intelligence agencies. One is a sex deviate. The other is a sex deviate PLUS a rotten filthy treasonous traitor compulsive liar.

Gee how similar they are right? Bollocks to that crap.

Posted - January 28, 2020


  • 1152
    My reaction to Ken Starr is similar to my reaction to the overwhelming majority of "mainstream" conservatives who claim to be shocked...SHOCKED by Trump and the MAGAt-ization of the Republican party.


    The GOP has exploited the MAGAt segment of the voting population since the mid-1960s. The Ken Starrs of the party were perfectly content to have such people vote for them, provided Starr and his allies retained the actual political power and determined the policy direction of the government. Now that the MAGAts have become the dominant voting faction and GOP politicians have no choice but to cater to them, NOW members of the GOP are upset about the situation.

    If you're upset about the situation, do something about it. Switch to the Democratic Party. Advocate publicly for Donald Trump's impeachment or that the 25th amendment be invoked to remove him from office. DO something tangible to reverse the damage done by your political party spending multiple decades currying the favor of bigots and nihilists.

    If all you're going to do is clutch your pearls and lament the lack of civility...well, see my reaction above.

      January 28, 2020 6:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    Ya see SP it's like this. The folks who voted for donnyjohnny were described as LOW INFORMATION VOTERS. Ignorant not stupid dumb as they appear to be. They had no idea what he was when they voted for him. Low information means low retention low comprehending low curiosity. If you are low in anything how is that your fault? I mean you are a pint and there are gallons being poured into you constantly. You can only hold so much. If they were not low but high well that would be a horse of a different color. High-information voters would have known what he was and he would NEVER have been the nominee for anything anywhere anytime. He'd have been laughed out of the campaign and ridiculed 24/7. The high-info would take over and he would escape the attention. That's what being informed does for you. But the low-information folks did what they do best. Go low. Will they do it again? Prolly. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Tuesday. Where the Founding Fathers went wrong was presuming the Judicial and Legislative branches wouldn't have gone wonkers bonkers at the same time as the ascendency of the wackadoodle crackpot presidency. No one could have predicted THAT outcome. If they had we might have been saved this national tragedy. What protection against all three branches going wackadoodle simultaneouslywould you have put in the Constitution? :) This inquiring mind wants to know! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 28, 2020 7:05 AM MST
      January 28, 2020 7:02 AM MST