Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's really kinda kind don'tcha think? Referring to donnyjohnny adoring worshippers as "LOW INFORMATION VOTERS". What does that say to you?

It's really kinda kind don'tcha think? Referring to donnyjohnny adoring worshippers as "LOW INFORMATION VOTERS". What does that say to you?

That they suffer from ignorance not stupidity. What a really kind way to put it. Do you agree that it is only due to lack of information which we describe as being IGNORANT that is the cause? If they were not ignorant. If they were INFORMED. They would not be low-information voters and therefore could not possibly ever have voted for donnyjohnny. Oh if they had only been high-information voters we wouldn't be in the gawdawful disaster we're in. For want of a brain with curiosity the driver the battle was lost. Or something.

Posted - January 28, 2020


  • 35077
    Why does the left believe attacking Trump supporters is a good strategy to win voters? 
      January 28, 2020 7:16 AM MST

  • The left has no desire to win voters. Their "strategy" is to demonize the opposition while using the agencies of government and the culture in which we live, as weapons against those that stand in the way. It's more than just intolerance and name calling. The left has degenerated to the level of wild eyed bomb throwers whose goal is to have all the power, control and manipulation at any price. In summary, if we (the left) can't have it, we'd rather bring it to ruin. As far as being "low information voters", we know enough to recognize a lack of sane, reasonable and rational ideas that normally would command attention from clear minded and objective voters in an election cycle. The days of the left showing any signs of intellect between their ears is clearly over.
      January 28, 2020 11:27 AM MST

  • 2706
    Lack of information? No. I would say an abundance of information that manifested itself in the 2016 presidential election and beyond. People wanted a change. No more political business as usual. They wanted their country back and they are getting it. What I find interesting is how the Socialists/ Dems/Liberals are "trying" to accuse and find guilty, the Republicans/Conservatives of things that they have been guilty of for decades. The word hypocritical comes to mind here. The Democratic party has no base, no foundation, no leadership, and no clear path for success to bring the party back to relevance. Something they need to do because the Democratic party is broken.
      January 28, 2020 7:28 AM MST