I am not drawn to people who are surly angry irascible emotional. I don't care how smart they are I'm not interested.
I like quiet calm measured intelligent. Polished not scraggly fractious furious angry.
Now I'm not you nor you me. Some of you adore the emotional outbursts and strident temperamental showstopping discombobulation. Not me. I am a quiet person. I am not always calm but I am drawn to those who are. Good influence. Nice environment. Don't have to deal with emotional babies letting go and wacking out at the top of their lungs. Different strokes of course.
I liked Will Rogers. Intelligent humorous calm quiet insightful not inciteful. Not so much those who are his opposite.
For me, it’s the other way around. If the contents are off-putting, who cares about the packaging? I have come across many people who appear to be nice, but were actually complete … jerks (if you know what I mean). Who wants to communicate with a person who is always ranting and raving, posting obscenities, or is flat-out arrogant?
I’m what they call a ‘highly sensitive person’. On top of that, I’m also an empath. As such, I tend to avoid people altogether. Unfortunately, that’s not always an option. While I try to be nice to everyone, I try to avoid people who are abusive, aggressive, hurtful, nasty, or trouble makers. People like that weigh me down and usually induce episodes of depression. Although I try to tolerate everybody, I’m mostly drawn to people who are intelligent, humorous, and nice.