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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly John Bolton is held is VERY HIGH ESTEEM by Senate Republicans. Put up or shut up folks. Let's see what you're made of shall we?

Allegedly John Bolton is held is VERY HIGH ESTEEM by Senate Republicans. Put up or shut up folks. Let's see what you're made of shall we?

Meanwhile the typical predictable reaction from all the usual faux pholkes on faux news led by the sean of hannity. We KNOW sean how incensed you are at a former same-side colleague. Now he is sh** and you are attacking him viciously? Of course you do. That is your job. You have no talent for anything else. Go for it. We are all so impressed with you. You are suc an awesome a**hole!

Posted - January 29, 2020


  • 46117
    I'll tell you what those dumbasses hold in esteem.  Kissing TRUMP's rear end.  That is it.  

    Stop trying to paint lipstick on those disgusting pigs.

    Watch tapes of FOX NEWS and their love of BOLTON before and after the BOOK.  Before and AFTER getting ousted by TRUMP.

    That is what the REPUBLICAN MIND IS like.  Fair-weather morons who kiss Trump's rear.  That's it.  Let them all get IMPEACHED.
      January 29, 2020 12:48 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply. I don't receive "STOP TRYING" well. I go my way on my own all alone without direction from anyone. But I guess through all these years you never really figured that out.
      January 29, 2020 12:52 PM MST