Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Why don't parents let their daughters grow up so THEY can decide if they want holes poked in their earlobes? Why force hole poking?
We waited until she asked to have them pierced. She was about 7. But she was actually was aggravated we had not had it done when she was little like all her other friends had been. She waited until her daughter was old enough to ask as well. She asked earlier...4 yrs old.
I know some people believe it is less of a hassle with a younger child. No built in fear (thinking about the needle), easier for the parent to clean it when a baby. Baby's hair is short so no tangles to worry about. Just similar to having a shot.
We just thought of it as a right of passage. Going to the store with Mom and getting to pick out which style she wanted etc.
It seems to be the culture in some areas with some folks m2c. I think it's very good that you allowed your child's input and didn't just usurp the sovereignty they should have over their own bodies. I cringe when I see little babies with studs in their ears. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)
I think sovereignty over ones OWN BODY should be a given. Of course that does not include harming it. Parents should step in to stop that. But doing something to a child's body when they're too young to protest is not my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)