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John McCain ORIGINALLY chose Joe Lieberman to be his veep. The RNC wouldn't let him. I don't know why. Do you?

Was it because once upon a time Joe Lieberman was a Democrat and then left the party and became an Independent? Apparently they were very good friends but it wasn't in the cards. So McCain got stuck with sara the p infamous for paying $4.95 per wolf foot to wolf killers who sent them to her when she was guvner of Alaska for two minutes. If John had his way and got to choose the veep he believed would do him most good d'ya think he would have won could nave won?

Posted - February 7, 2020


  • It's often heard said that timing is everything.  I honestly believe that at the right time McCain could have easily won the presidency.  However at the particular moment in history when he was running he was faced with Obama as his opposition and there was just no stopping Obama.  Barack tapped into something the country was hungering and thirsting for at the time.  Coming off the damage that Bush had caused us during his terms we needed someone like President Obama to represent us on the world stage.  There was also a craving to change long standing optics within our political system and as a result people longed to see diversity represented.  Such as a female nominee which is one reason why Hillary gave Barack such a challenge.  Of course there was also a deep desire to see an African American change the face of the highest position in the land.  So McCain at that time was up against staggering odds.  I think perhaps Sarah Palin was simply the party's desire to have a woman on the ticket in the hope that they could tap into some of that gender/ethnicity awareness.  God knows she wasn't picked because she was qualified.  To me she is practically a female version of a Donald Trump.  Two goofy bafoons, dim-witted yet dangerous.  Yes, I think John McCain could have won a presidential election it just wasn't meant to be then and sadly time marched on leaving him behind.  A lot of people hold a great deal of respect for the man and regardless of Mr. Trumps personal opinions he should have shown more respect to McCain both during his time here and after he passed away.  McCain would have been a far better leader of our nation than Trump could ever hope to be.
    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 7, 2020 10:21 AM MST
      February 7, 2020 6:51 AM MST

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Now THAT is PERFECT Twink. Thank you for taking the time to say so eloquently how I feel and stating it ever so much better than I possibly could or anyone else whom I've encountered so far for that matter. The porcine prez we have now is so cruel and vicious and mean and hateful he doesn't have a clue what evil he dishes out when he speaks so ill of the dead. We know he will always be JEALOUS of John McCain for serving his country and being a hero and being patriotic and being respected. The pig prez will never be one zillionith the man Senator McCain was. Dumb don is a complete failure at anything resembling being humane or human. I have a pretty good vocabulary but I am at a loss for words to describe the contempt disdain disgust I have for the most despicable homo sap who ever lived. Now I don't know all of them of course. But I cannot imagine a more vile viper than he has shown himself to be. He makes me want to barf whenever he speaks or I see his ugly face. He is a NAUSEATING presence and those who are around him must have stomachs made of steel to not barf in his face or on him. Describing dumb don as a disgrace to his race (THE HUMAN RACE) is being most kind. Thank you again m'dear! :)
      February 7, 2020 7:55 AM MST

  • 34670
    Why? A guaranteed loss. 

    Would you vote for Dem Manchin with Romney as VP? 

    To win people have to like their candidate not just support them because he/she got the nomination. 
      February 7, 2020 7:04 AM MST

  • 2836
    Joe Liberman, like that assclown Manchin,  was not a Democrat. I would have never voted for that DINO

      February 7, 2020 8:49 AM MST