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We Need To Know

On Growing Up (Continued.)

When we were going into the school on the far side, I glanced over to see the steady crowd of older kids streaming slowly up the stairs on the opposite side, each on carrying an item or equiipment into the open doors of the gymnasium. I remembered that the Science Fair had been delayed due to weather conditions and judging was commencing today.

I  turned my attention to Merry, who was walking a little steadier now, but still slow on the uptake in getting up the stairs. She acted reluctant to follow me and go inside. I stayed with her while she gave the information to the secretary/clerk, who filled it in for her. Her signature was shaky but clear. The halls were quiet, pending the noisy entrance of kids presently playing on the grounds surrounding the school proper. The only noise right now was at the far end of the hall, where the big double doors of the gym stood open. There was banging, crashes, laughter while the exhibits were being set up. Over all this was the hectoring tones of the seventh grade/science teacher and the female gym teacher, the latter of whom didn't like her domain invaded by the science fair every year, but she was overruled by the principal, who told her she would just have to put UP with it. She grumbled plenty, but we had become used to it.

Ratle, rattle, thunder,clatter, boom, boom, boom...

"Pick that up, Joe!" came Mrs. Kasper's voice. "Let's not make any more noise and clutter than we need be. C'mon, gentlemen - "

The voice faded as the teacher walked into the gym toward the open street doors.

Merry had completed her paperwork. With nothing more to do, we wandered up the stairs and down to our locker to store our things. We then walked into the open classroom - the teacher wasn't even in yet - and, sitting in our usual assigned seats, sat across from each other and began to converse softly. That only lasted a few minutes. Our teacher came in, looking a little surprised to see up ahead of the noisy class crowd.

The first bell rang. Mrs. Evans came over to us and stood in front of Merry;s desk. "Miss Christensen, I want you to stay after school when the final bell rings. We need to talk - seriously."

She left without another word, settling in her chair like some old contented hen. What  was wrong? She just got BACK, for God's sake!

The second bell shrilled. The halls became alive with noisy voices, banging lockers, and shouts and screams all around.

(To Be Continued.)