Today's prayer 7/2
Sometimes, though it's been a while since I've felt that way, thanks to the good friends that I've made over the last couple of years.
But sometimes things happen that I don't feel like I can share with anyone. If my boyfriend and I are having problems, I don't feel like I should tell anyone because it feels like a betrayal of trust. But sometimes I feel the need to vent to someone. Is that a betrayal? I don't really know. My intention is never to just bash him, I just sometimes feel the need to vent and get another person's perspective. But if he ever knew that I was venting to someone else, I know that he would be very upset. So it's sometimes hard to know what the right thing is to do.
I do have a good relationship with him overall, we just have difficult moments sometimes.
Thanks. It's nice to know that someone else understands. My boyfriend is a basically good person too, and I wouldn't want anyone to think less of him either.