
MathematicallyMindedFractal's Polls

What are your politics?

In terms of how left or right-winged you are. 

Before you ask:
1. Parties are given as an example, not as the option itself. Please select how left- or right-winged you are.
2. Libertarian refers to Libertarian Capitalist, i.e. the libertarian party.
3. Democrats are NOT Left winged.
4. Liberals are *slightly* lefter than Democrats, but are still capitalists.
5. Hillary may call herself progressive, but she is extremely right-winged. Please click "Very Right-Winged" if you are for Hillary.
6. Bernie is NOT a "Democratic Socialist." He is a Social Democrat, which is on the soft-left.
7. Green Party refers to the AMERICAN Green Party. 
8. Socialism and Communism are extremely similar, but I needed to split the options for very and radically. 
9. Very/Radically Left-Winged refer to all tendencies of such, including authoritarian (Stalinist) and anarchist versions. Please note that communism is inherently anarchist in nature.
10. Very/Radically Right-Winged refer to all tendencies of such, including authoritarian (Fascist) and "anarchist" versions. Please note that capitalism is inherently fascist in nature. 

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